Instructional Design Syllabus

Course Description

In this course, you will explore different approaches to instructional design. You will also learn about the core processes that comprise a systematic approach to instructional design such as conducting a needs analysis, identifying learning objectives, developing instructional activities and creating assessments. You will apply that knowledge primarily through readings and discussions with peers, responses to case scenarios (e.g., Design Challenges) and production of an instructional design document.

Course Objectives

  • Identify major theories and principles of instructional design
  • Apply a systematic approach of instructional design in the production of a design
  • Analyze applied case scenarios and formulate appropriate responses
  • Discover alternative perspectives through collaborative work
  • Appraise growth through regular reflection on completed learning activities

Required Text

Brown, A., & Green, T. D. (2019). The Essentials of Instructional Design: Connecting Fundamental Principles with Process and Practice, 4th Edition (4th edition). New York: Routledge


Discussion Boards

Discussions of the readings will happen in the discussion forums of Blackboard and will consist of two categories of activity: (1) Postings, i.e., responses to the questions I post and (2) Replies, where you reply to a minimum of two peers. Posts are due on Tuesday and replies should be done by Thursday.

Posts: Total points possible = 15

  • Exemplary: Responds to question with a solid level of detail and logical reasoning; includes example and/or outside research (e.g., website, blog post, article) to support response (15 points)
  • Satisfactory: Responds to question with an adequate level of detail and logical reasoning (10 points)
  • Unsatisfactory: No posting (0 points)


Design Challenges – As a means of applying the principles and theories covered in the readings, you will analyze realistic instructional design case scenarios then develop a response. Typically, these challenges will be drawn from the various chapters in the Brown & Green text and involve creating an instructional design artifact or document. For example, a challenge taken from Chapter 3 might be You have been hired by a client to work on an instructional design project … Describe how you would conduct a needs analysis in this situation … (p. 64). See the guidelines in Blackboard for further details.

Design Project – The major assignment involves developing an instructional design document based on a real learning-related problem. This can be a problem in your workplace, school, non-profit organization or similar professional setting. As the major project, it will be done in five incremental phases distributed across the semester. See the guidelines in Blackboard for further details.

Reflections on Learning – There will be a mid-term and end-of-course reflection. In general, these will involve you reflecting on your learning through the readings, discussions and assignments. See the guidelines in Blackboard for specific details.


  • Discussion: 15%
  • Design Challenges: 30%
  • Design Project: 45%
  • Reflections on Learning: 10%