Presentations | Talks

  • Guest Lecture, “Exploring Games & Learning”, ECHO Education Nigeria, February 16, 2024.
  • Guest Speaker, “Teaching on Purpose“, Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University, Duke University, January 18, 2024.
  • Tietjen, P., Laventure, S., & Brown, T. (2023, May 16). Redesigning Professional Development with Microcourses. Teaching, Learning & Technology Conference 2023, College of Charleston.
  • Guest Lecture, ID Experiences in a Community College Setting. Presentation for Dr. Rebecca Bayeck’s class, Instructional Design 1: 6520, Online: Utah State University.
  • Tietjen, P. & Asino, T.I. (2019). Open Pedagogy: What do we think it is? Are we really ready? Presented at the 16th Annual Open Education Conference, October 30-November 1, Phoenix, AZ.
  • Tietjen, P. (2019). Building Open Learning Networks with Hypothesis. Presented at the Digital Scholarship Conference, October 10-12, Bucknell University; Lewisburg, PA.
  • Akgun, M., Tietjen, P., Asino, T. I., & Glantz, E. (October 3-5, 2019). Expanding Learners as Designers (“LasD”) in IT. Transforming IT Education. Presented at the ACM Special Interest Group for IT Education, Tacoma, WA.
  • Tietjen, P., T.I. Asino & S. Chaivisit (April 6, 2019). Learning Without Borders: More than just a Catch-Phrase. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
  • Tietjen, P., M. Akgun, M., & T.I. Asino (2018, October). Engaging with learners as designers in an Information Science and Technology course. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Kansas City, MO.
  • Hod, Y., et al. (2017, June). Invited Presenter: ‘Synthesizing CSCL Perspectives on the Theory, Methods, Design and Implementation of Future Learning Spaces’. In Smith, B. K., Borge, M., Mercier, E., and Lim, K. Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, Philadelphia, PA (pp. 897-900). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
  • Tietjen, P., Özkan-Bekiroglu, S., Choi, K., McDonald, S. & Rook, M.M. (2017, April). A Sociomaterial Investigation of an Active Learning Space. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Antonio, TX.
  • Tietjen, P., McDonald, S. & Rook, M.M. (2016). Theorizing Learning Spaces: A Sociomaterial Approach. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Singapore, July 2016.
  • Rook, M.M., McDonald, S., Choi, K. & Tietjen, P. (2016). Facilitating Bridges of Practice Among Multiple Learning Communities. Symposium: Future Learning Spaces for Learning Communities: New Directions and Conceptual Frameworks. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Singapore.
  • Tietjen, P. & Sharma, P. (2016). Investigating collaborative meaning making in an open, peer production environment. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Learning Sciences Special Interest Group. Washington D.C.
  • Tietjen, P. & Sharma, P. (2016). Exploring Student Participation Patterns and Meaning Making in an Online Course: A Learning Analytics Approach. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA). Washington D.C.
  • Susser, D., Tietjen, P., & Borge, M. (2016, November 11). Panelist: Privacy, Identity and Online Literacy [Panel Discussion]. Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University.