Guest Lecture, ID Experiences in a Community College Setting. Presentation for Dr. Rebecca Bayeck’s class, Instructional Design 1: 6520, Online: Utah State University.
Tietjen, P. & Asino, T.I. (2019). Open Pedagogy: What do we think it is? Are we really ready? Presented at the 16th Annual Open Education Conference, October 30-November 1, Phoenix, AZ.
Tietjen, P. (2019). Building Open Learning Networks with Hypothesis. Presented at the Digital Scholarship Conference, October 10-12, Bucknell University; Lewisburg, PA.
Akgun, M., Tietjen, P., Asino, T. I., & Glantz, E. (October 3-5, 2019). Expanding Learners as Designers (“LasD”) in IT. Transforming IT Education. Presented at the ACM Special Interest Group for IT Education, Tacoma, WA.
Tietjen, P., T.I. Asino & S. Chaivisit (April 6, 2019). Learning Without Borders: More than just a Catch-Phrase. Annual Conference of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.
Tietjen, P., M. Akgun, M., & T.I. Asino (2018, October). Engaging with learners as designers in an Information Science and Technology course. Annual Conference of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Kansas City, MO.
Hod, Y., et al. (2017, June). Invited Presenter: ‘Synthesizing CSCL Perspectives on the Theory, Methods, Design and Implementation of Future Learning Spaces’. In Smith, B. K., Borge, M., Mercier, E., and Lim, K. Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL, Philadelphia, PA (pp. 897-900). International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Tietjen, P., Özkan-Bekiroglu, S., Choi, K., McDonald, S. & Rook, M.M. (2017, April). A Sociomaterial Investigation of an Active Learning Space. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA). San Antonio, TX.
Tietjen, P., McDonald, S. & Rook, M.M. (2016). Theorizing Learning Spaces: A Sociomaterial Approach. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Singapore, July 2016.
Rook, M.M., McDonald, S., Choi, K. & Tietjen, P. (2016). Facilitating Bridges of Practice Among Multiple Learning Communities. Symposium: Future Learning Spaces for Learning Communities: New Directions and Conceptual Frameworks. International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS). Singapore.
Tietjen, P. & Sharma, P. (2016). Investigating collaborative meaning making in an open, peer production environment. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA), Learning Sciences Special Interest Group. Washington D.C.
Tietjen, P. & Sharma, P. (2016). Exploring Student Participation Patterns and Meaning Making in an Online Course: A Learning Analytics Approach. Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA). Washington D.C.
Susser, D., Tietjen, P., & Borge, M. (2016, November 11). Panelist: Privacy, Identity and Online Literacy [Panel Discussion]. Rock Ethics Institute, Pennsylvania State University.